ESPN Student Athlete – Madison HS
Each Week Form Dallas Cowboy Dat Nguyen and I travel to a local San Antonio High School to present some lucky student with the Student Athlete fo the Week Award From ESPN San Antonio. Here are a few photographs from the Madison High School winner. It just so happens...
Tony’s Sweet Ride
A quick Green Screen Production Piece For San Antonio Radio Station 94.1 KTFM. Tony Cortez in the Morning and Fabian (KTFM Mid-Days) Perform A Little Skit.
White Moth
I have this habit of taking a few photographs before being out on a paid assignment. This serves two purposes. It helps me ensure I have (at the very least) the proper equipment to take a photograph, like a memory card and sufficient battery power. In the dynamic...
Budweiser Sponsorship Recap
94.1 KTFM Hosts take a second to thank Bud Execs for all the promotional cash they spent over the year and show off some of the hot events they got the opportunity to take part in and get tons of spot on exposure. It was really great to go back through a lot of the...
The Weekend Breakdown with Chelsey Hernandez
So at the office were I work we have the opportunity to do all kinds of projects... we have a green screen studio with all the trimmings so every now and then I'll get a chance to stretch my legs and confince them to let me do a little video segment. The KTFM Weekend...
Texas Rangers
I'm a pretty big geek so I don't much get into sports. You're a hole lot more likely to find me on the Android developer blogs. Anyway, I had a chance to head out to Academy Sports and Outdoors this past week because a border...