In 2022 I had to opportunity to go to the Comic Con and Car show, where they had some adorable nostalgic cars from some of my favorite television shows growing up.

It’s no secret. I’m a geek and a freak. Whenever there is a comic con you just might see me there. While I don’t collect toys or comic books much anymore I still like to immerse myself in the culture. I’m a huge fan of Star Wars having grown up with the franchise throughout my childhood. Anything from the 1980’s has deep nostalgia for me because there were my childhood years.
I was extremely fortunate to be given tickets to this event and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see some of the vehicles from these show in person. A friend and I did some light day drinking, went to the McNay Art Museum to take in an exhibit. and then stopped by this con for some fun. Some of my favorites were probably the Mach 1, which I had to pose in front of. The A-Team van was very cool as well. I’ve always considered myself part of the A-Team… I definitly have my very own speciality. 😉
Mach 1 from Speed Racer
San Antonio Photographer and Graphic Designer Delton M. Childs III next to Mach 1 from Speed Racer.