
Essential Components

Essential Components

Web and Digital Media consultant Delton Childs talks about the essential components you need to consider when starting your own website before you even get started. It’ll Help to do a little reasearch up front so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel down the road.

Custom Logo Animation and Green Screen Production

Custom Logo Animation and Green Screen Production

Border Media Studios in San Antonio texas goes out to local high school pep rallies and pumps up the teams before the big games. I got the opportunity to work with, you guessed it, 94.1 KTFM’s Nick Russo on this Green Screen video production project that involved

SA Counter Culture App for Android

SA Counter Culture App for Android

I’m happy to announce the launch of my first android application available on the aneroid market, The San Antonio Counter Culture App…

Volley: Easy Fast Android Networking API

Volley: Easy Fast Android Networking API

Watching the Foundations of Programming Web Services course on there was a mention of a great networking API for programming android applications that took a lot of the red tape out of handing network connections and bitmap cacheing

Get All The Juicy Details

Get All The Juicy Details

One of the advertisers on KTSA was looking for a good way to highlight their spots  on the radio and post them on facebook highlighting the brand alignment between News Talk 550 KTSA and Juicer Heros. The sales staff didn't want to add anything additional to their...


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