Custom Video Intro
A Fully Customized Branded intro For YourTrainerSystems online marketing contacted us because they wanted to start doing more online advertising, specifically on facebook and youtube. We helped out Your Trainer Systems get started fast by producing this awesome customized video intro the brand their personal training business more firmly in the online video updates and workout tips.
This was a quick step, deliverable in under 24 Hours that brings a huge impact to their online video efforts they can use over and over again to put their best foot forward when meeting potential clients with their content online.
We’re happy to say that we’re helping out YourTrainerSystems develop a comprehensive Social marketing campaign with video workout tips targeted at specific demographics that would be most interested in their service. What’s even better, YourTrainerSystems will be delivering their message with workout and health tips that actually benefit the viewer as opposed to traditional advertising, helping YTS build a genuine business to consumer relationship.