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Featured Projects by Delton Childs

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Articles by Delton ChildsA Look At Web Trends – Time Website Redesign
Time.com got a site re-design and I decided to take that opportunity to take a look at some of the popular web trends that had been poping up all over the internet, Flat Design.
Google Already Has A Set-Top Box For Your Living Room
Firstly, Google already has this, Chromecast. They’re talking about google’s purchase of Green Throttle Games who were a little before their time trying to make blue tooth controllers for mobile devices to extend gaming functionality.
San Fernando Cathedral
Architectural photography is one of the oldest schools. Photographers can't help but love the lines made by man and nature. So every year or so I like to take the time to photograph good old San Fernando Cathedral in Downtown San Antonio. It's easy taking photos of...
Zombie Con Event Photography
Event Photography of San Antonio Zombie Fans by producer Delton M. Childs for SACounterCulture.com Alternative Culture Events and News.
Deliver Value with Powerful Email Marketing
One of my favorite services to help me manage the marketing jungle has been MailChimp. In this video I highlight how easy it is to get up and running with a MailChimp Campaign for your business for free.
A Digital Backbone For Your Brand
A website is more than meets the eye these days. It's not necessarily the forward facing website that visitors see when they type in your domain name or ".com", it's the foundation that your website is built upon where the real power lies. You've got to think of a...
Java Design Patterns and Architecture with John Purcell
I was recently searching desperately for educational materials on Java Servlets and ran across a new website through YouTube, CaveOfProgramming.com. Cave of programming has a great listing of free and paid tutorials from programmer John Purcell. Purcell offers an...
Understanding and Creating Advanced Segments in Google Analytics
Creating a new segment in the revised google analytics interface can be a little tricky, they update it quite a bit and it always seems in flux but overall they’ve always mad improvements.
94.1 KTFM Pink Party Event Photography at Ice Lounge
94.1 KTFM hosts a Pink Party at Ice Lounge in San Antonio Texas every week in the month of October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness.